Types of requests

Create a ticket

Parameter Value


application id


ticket id

ticket's status id

List of possible statuses:

  • 1 (open)
  • 2 (completed)
  • 3 (closed)
  • 4 (deleted)
  • 5 (on hold)
  • 6 (pending)
  • 7 (spam)
  • 8 (new)
  • 9 (mailing)

Ticket subject

client_id client's ID
assignee_id id of the executor (agent)
group executer's id of the group
last_updated_at last ticket modification date
channel_id channel id
email clien't mail adress (from which he wrote)
published_at ticket's creation date
company_id company's id (account) which the webhook came
additional_id additional ticket ID
message text of the client's message

List of fields and their values. Sent only when at least one of the fields is additional.

Contains parameters:

  • id — add id. fields
  • name — name of add. fields
  • value — additional value. fields
  • custom_blocks

List of additional system blocks, which contains parameters:

  • name — the name of the block
  • url — url of the block
  • secret_key — secret token of the block

Example of a response from server
        "subject":"First msg",
        "last_updated_at":"2016-12-17 14:07:33",
        "published_at":"2016-12-17 14:07:33",
                "name":"new item 2",

Change a ticket

When a ticket is changed, the system sends a webhook that contains:

Parameter Value


application id


id of the ticket's changing event

id rule that changed the request
If "null" means the request was changed by the user


id of the user who changed the request
If "null" means the request changed the rule

ticket_id ticket's id

The array of changes that were applied to the ticket contains the parameters:

  • target — which field was changed
  • value — what value the field was changed to
  • old_value — from what value the field was changed

date of change

old_status id of the previous ticket status
new_status id of the new ticket status
company_id id of the company (account) from which the webhook came

List of fields and their values. Sent only when at least one of the fields is additional.

Contains parameters:

  • id — add id. fields
  • name — name of add. fields
  • value — additional value. fields
  • custom_blocks

List of additional system blocks, which contains parameters:

  • name — the name of the block
  • url — url of the block
  • secret_key — secret token of the block

Client information. Contains parameters:

  • id
  • name — name
  • avatar — avatar
  • note — note
  • emails — email address
  • phones — phone
  • additional_ids — additional ID

Example of a response from server
            "name":"new item 2",
                "value":"POST UPDATE"
        "changed_at":"2016-12-17 14:11:53",

Create a comment

When you write a comment in a ticket, the system sends a webhook that contains:



application id
idcomment's id
messagethe text of the message that was sent
  • Message type:
    private — internal
    public — public

the messages author

  • user — agent
  • client — client

Important: if a message is sent via a trigger (bot), a new message webhook will not be sent. A webhook will be sent to update the request.


id of the user who wrote the message

If "null" means the comment was written by the client


id of the client who wrote the message

If "null" means the comment was written by the user

ticket_idid of the ticket in which the comment was written

1 — if the comment is the first in the ticket
0 — if the comment is not the first in the ticket

deliveredwhether the message has been delivered (not implemented)
readedwhether the message has been read (not implemented)
published_atсomment creation date

list of fields and their values. Contains parameters:

  • id — add id. fields
  • name — name of add. fields
  • value — additional value. fields

Client information. Contains parameters:

  • id
  • name — name
  • avatar — avatar
  • note — note
  • emails — email address
  • phones — phone
  • additional_ids — additional ID

Example of a response from server
        "message":"New message text",
        "published_at":"2016-12-17 14:14:37"

User rating

When receiving a rate in a ticket, the system sends a webhook that contains:



application id
idrating id
client_idclient's id
ticket_idticket's id

The rating is given by the client:

1 — poor
2 — normal
3 — good

company_idid of the company (account) from which the webhook came
ticket_comment_idrating's comment id
commentcomment to the rating
created_atdate the rating was created
updated_atrating update date
user_idid of the request executor

Example of a response from server
        "comment":"New message text",
        "created_at":"2016-12-17 14:14:37"